The purpose of this personal journal is to encourage you to train your mind to put yourself in a positive place of mind to receive all that you desire. This guide and journal assist you in reprogramming your mind and habits to ensure that you attract all that you truly desire.

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Dreams give deep insight to our waking life. Keeping track of events that happen in your dreams can uncover solutions to current things happening in your life, feelings that are buried in your subconscious, and even reveal things that could be coming shortly.


Keeping track of key deals, though they may not make sense at that very moment, could very well help you discover important things the universe is trying to communicate to you. Thus the very purpose of this dream journal.

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L-O-V-E we all want it and love the feeling of being loved by others. Within the desire of wanting love from others sometimes comes complications as a result of unhealthy relationships and unhealthy attachments to others. Which could be a one-time thing for some or a repeated cycle for others. But WHY?

Use this Self-Love Journal to put yourself on the path to discovering a deep and healthy love for yourself. Show yourself love. You are worth loving.

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The Ascension Series: Step into your Power
Series Description:
Goddess Books presents  The Ascension Series: Step into your Power!" This is a powerful series that guides you to be the author of your own life by encouraging you to become more self-aware, love yourself, guide you to manifest your desires, and more! Want more out of your life? There is no reason why you cannot have it. It's time to STEP INTO OUR POWER and manifest what you desire.